KiMO Theater

Albuquerque, NM

One of the most famous haunts in Albuquerque is the KiMo Theater. The ghost of Bobby will pull a variety of tricks to sabotage their performances if they do not leave doughnuts or some trinket to appease him before their shows.


Legal Tender Saloon

Lamy, NM

This old saloon and vaudeville hall is haunted by several ghosts. A lady in white, dressed in an elegant white gown, is seen floating up the steps to the balcony in the Parlor Room.


The Lodge at Cloudcroft

Cloudcroft, N​M

Rebecca, a strikingly beautiful chambermaid with red hair, was murdered when her jealousy-stricken lumberjack boyfriend found her in the arms of another man. Today, The Lodge's "friendly" though mischievous, ghost has been said to wander the halls.


      St. James Hotel

                        Cimarron, NM

One of the most famous ghost stories in New Mexico is the ghost of Room 18. According to the story a man named T.J. Wright wins the hotel in a poker game and is shot after he leaves the poker room. He crawls back to his room and dies there.  His ghost now haunts the room.


La Posada

Santa Fe, NM

Julia Staab was rumored to have gone mad and retreated to her bedroom until her death at age 52. In recent years, her alleged spirit has been the subject of many ghost tours


La Fonda Hotel

Santa Fe, NM

According to several sources, the hotel is haunted by several different apparitions, a judge, a cowboy and a woman. 


New Mexico State Penitentiary

If there was ever a haunted prison in the United States, the New Mexico State Penitentiary has the potential to be a hotbed of supernatural activity 


Drury Plaza Hotel

Santa Fe, NM

This modern hotel once housed a hospital and a nursing home that were thought to be haunted. Today it is a nice hotel.


Fort Craig

Caretakers at the site have reported seeing a figure in Civil war dress lurking around their trailer. Voices are often heard coming from the ruins


Los Luceros

There are numerous reports of ghosts haunting the house, the most prevalent being that of a woman who was murdered by her husband. The hanging trees out front are said to be haunted as well.


Valverde Battle​field

A local ranch hand who claims that he had a headless Confederate infantryman shot at him one night just before dusk. other legends claim that the battlefield is haunted by the men that died there.


Loma Parda

Shadowy figures have been seen roaming about the town ruins at dusk by tourists and locals. The stories here vary. Many say that the old townsite is haunted by the spirits of prostitutes who come down from Cafion de Las Pelones. 


Belen Harvey House

Belen, NM

Many people claim that this museum is haunted by a variety of spirits. Is this historic building really haunted by the ghosts of the past?


Kuhn Hotel

Belen, NM

At least four spirits inhabit this property. One is just a misty cloud appearing at the top of the stairs but another has appeared as a full bodied apparition on multiple occasions.  


La Placita Restaurant

Albuquerque, NM

The Casa Armijo is haunted by at least four different ghosts, although there could be several others. The first is the spirit of a little girl known as Elizabeth. It is believed that she was a servant girl who died from tuberculosis.


Quarai Mission

Visitors to this seventeenth century Spanish mission are surprised to find the ghost of a conquistador still guarding the ruins. He enters through one of the gaps in the adobe walls and is surrounded by a blue-white light. 


Albuquerque Press Club

Albuquerque, NM

The sound of high heeled shoes has been heard by several witnesses walking across the floors of the bar and lobby area. 


The Old Tow​n Chapel

The Lady in Black is said to haunt the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Old Town. She appears in the chapel from nowhere and sits on a bench, dressed all in black. 


Dawson Cemetery

Many people have reported feeling strange cold spots near certain graves on otherwise very hot days. These cold spots and other strange stories of male voices whispering words of warning and danger and moans.


Albuquerque Little Theater

The Little Theatre is supposedly haunted by at least two ghosts.   The first is Bernard Thomas, affectionately known as “Bernie” at the theater. The second is believed to be Manuel  a custodian and master carpenter.


Casa de Fiesta Restaurant 

Albuquerque, NM

  Employees of the restaurant believe that they may have a ghost. Their typical otherworldly encounters fall include; Disembodied voices are often heard in the rear dining room and in the restrooms. 


Kelly Ghost Town

There have been several sighting of "shadow-like" figures and apparitions near the ruins of the mine and near the church. Also strange noises, including disembodied footsteps have been heard by visitors touring the mine ruins. 


Rio Grande Gorge Bridge

  Locals in the area say that the bridge is a hot spot for suicides and that the bridge is haunted by ghosts that tempt people into jumping to their deaths. However, there is a specific ghost that is often seen on the west side of the bridge.  


  404 Charlevoix
Old Town Albuquerque  

  On occasion the sounds of the voices are preceded by the uneasy feeling that you are being watched. Sudden "breezes" of cold air have also been experienced near the counter.