Kuhn Hotel

Belen, NM

Current owner, Joan Artiaga, reports the presence of at least four spirits inhabiting the property. One is just a misty cloud appearing at the top of the stairs but another has appeared as a full bodied apparition on multiple occasions. The spirit, whom Joan refers to as Henry, is reported to be well dressed and cheerful and strongly resembles a man seen in an old photograph of people at the hotel.

Tour of the Kuhn Hotel, Belen, NM

A really great video of the Kuhn Hotel in Belen, NM. The owner gave these guys a personal tour.

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Kuhn Hotel, Belen, NM (History)

The information presented here is from the Valencia County Newspaper in an article called La Historia del Rio Abajo The Kuhn Hotel: An Endangered …

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Kuhn Hotel (Photo Gallery)

Photographs of the Kuhn Hotel. The majority of these are of the outside of the hotel.

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Kuhn Hotel, Belen, NM (Paranormal Claims)

Current owner, Joan Artiaga, reports the presence of at least four spirits inhabiting the property. One is just a misty cloud appearing at the top …

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Kuhn Hotel, Belen, NM (Historical Research)

These are various newspaper clippings that contain some information on the Kuhn Hotel in Belen.

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