How to perform a Ghost Hunt? (Slides from Presentation)

The Southwest Ghost Hunter’s Association (SGHA) was created by five people. Two were very skeptical; two were hardcore believers and somewhere in between was me. The idea of this group was to utilize these different viewpoints, skeptic and believer, to investigate haunted places from a perspective that could lead to an unbiased conclusion. The believers … Read moreHow to perform a Ghost Hunt? (Slides from Presentation)

SOP 301, Investigative Procedures

The investigative process used by Southwest Ghost Hunters Association (SGHA) is designed to reduce, if not eliminate, investigator bias and to collect reliable data on reportedly haunted locations for future research. The process has several different aspects, each with its own steps, which must be completed fully in order to obtain useable data. The purpose … Read moreSOP 301, Investigative Procedures