The Paranormal Claims at Los Luceros (with skeptical commentary)

The ghost stories about Los Luceros appeared on a television show that was aired on the Learning Channel in 1998. The show was called “Hauntings in America”. After it aired, the show was eventually put on DVD and was released in 2007. The main house is in really bad shape and it shows in the … Read moreThe Paranormal Claims at Los Luceros (with skeptical commentary)

Los Luceros, what is there and how to get there.

Los Luceros is located north of Española off NM 68 in Rio Arriba County. An historic marker along the highway at the intersection of NM 68 and Los Luceros (County Route 48) is all that indicates this special property to passers-by. Turning left from the highway, drivers travel down a narrow residential road with small … Read moreLos Luceros, what is there and how to get there.