St. James Hotel, Clovis News Journal, 1991

This article is the first that identifies Dr. Kenneth Wright as the person Loree was with during the “attack”. It also identifies him as being a gynecologist.

“In addition to knocking people down that try to enter the room, Wright’s mean spirited ghostly presence is thought to be responsible for the deaths of various pet birds kept at the hotel.”

A little myth building has entered the picture. Thus far only Pat Loree was “knocked to the floor” but the article seems to imply that it has happened to multiple people. This is typical of myth building.  However the genesis of the “haunting” is mentioned, the deaths of various pet birds.  The story of Room 18 begins when Ed Sitzberger lets two people inside Room 18 to have a look and several of his pet birds die the following day. The seed of suggestion (that it is haunted) is planted. Afterwards his wife Pat  has her encounter in the room.


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